Bibliography Detail

Title : Sustainable chemistry in the global chemistry and waste management agenda
Subject : Chemicals and Waste Management
Volume No : 9
Issue No : -
Author Name : Achim Halpaap
Year : 2018
Pages : 25-29
Editor : Elsevier
Description :

In the context of international discussions on the Strategic Approach and the future of chemicals and waste management beyond 2020, and under a resolution adopted by the United Nations Environment Assembly in 2016, a process has commenced to identify best practices in the area of sustainable chemistry and to facilitate a common understanding of the sustainable chemistry concept at the global level. Emerging possible interpretations of the sustainable chemistry concept include sustainable chemistry being (1) a new type of chemistry; (2) an assessment framework covering the environmental, economic and social dimensions of sustainable development; or (3) a global destination or vision to be achieved in the long-term. While a common global definition of sustainable chemicals is not available, some aspects have broad support such as ensuring sustainability throughout the life cycle of chemicals and waste, advancing research and innovation, and scaling-up the development of safe alternatives. UN Environment efforts to gather best practices in the area of sustainable chemistry will inform an analytical report in 2018 which will address the potential of sustainable chemistry to enhance the sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020, and to contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.