Bibliography Detail

Title : Cleaner production progress in developing and transition countries
Subject : Cleaner Production
Volume No : 278
Issue No : -
Author Name : Lei Shi
Year : 2021
Pages : 123763
Editor : Elsevier
Description :

As an integrated preventive environmental strategy, the development and diffusion of cleaner production (CP) concepts, tools and implementation have greatly improved the resource utilization efficiency and reduced pollution over the past thirty years. It has been proved that CP has contributed to the decoupling of economic growth and environmental impacts in most developed and industrialized countries. In the face of pressing challenges related to regional and global environmental problems, more and more developing and transition countries have been accelerating the low carbon, green and circular transformation. CP provide strategic and practical instruments for this transition considering the relevant economic, environmental as well as social needs in the short and long terms. In this context, we review the advances in CP associated with technological innovation, business model and institutional innovations in developing and transition countries. This introductory article provides an overview of this Special Volume (SV), which comprises thirty-one papers. These papers provide the most recent progress on policy and institutional innovations, management and business model innovations, and technological innovations related to CP in developing and transition countries.