Description :
The landfilling of municipal solid waste (MSW) may cause potential
environmental impacts like global warming (GW), soil contaminations,
and groundwater pollution. The degradation of MSW in anaerobic
circumstances generates methane emissions, and can hence contribute
the GW. As the GW is nowadays considered as one of the most serious
environmental threats, the mitigation of methane emissions should
obviously be aimed at on every landfill site where methane generation
occurs. In this study, the treatment and utilization options for the
generated LFG at case landfills which are located next to each other
are examined. The yearly GHG emission balances are estimated for three
different gas management scenarios. The first scenario is the combined
heat and power (CHP) production with a gas engine. The second scenario
is the combination of heat generation for the asphalt production process
in the summer and district heat production by a water boiler in the winter.
The third scenario is the LFG upgrading to biomethane. The estimation results
illustrate that the LFG collection efficiency affects strongly on the
magnitudes of GHG emissions. According to the results, the CHP production
gives the highest GHG emission savings and is hence recommended as a gas
utilization option for case landfills. Furthermore, aspects related to the
case landfills' extraction are discussed.