Bibliography Detail

Title : Environmental training and cleaner production in Indian industry—A micro-level study
Volume No. : 50
Author Name : Seema Unnikrishnan D.S. Hegde
Year : June 2007,
Pages : 427–441
Description :

An attempt has been made to analyze various types of organizational training imparted in Indian Industries while implementing cleaner production. The study was carried out in two industrialized states of India, namely Maharashtra and Gujarat. with participation of eight firms from each state. The various sources of training for the Indian industries have also been studied. A case study each from the two states, viz. Maharashtra and Gujarat have been presented in this paper. It is found that more than half of the industrial units have given importance to various kinds of training during the implementation of cleaner production. When it comes to training in environmental management system (EMS), nearly half of the firms have gone in for it. Among the sources of training, the most useful training was the training imparted by in-house staff and on-the-job training. Lastly, suppliers of cleaner technologies seem to have also played an active role in training as revealed by few of the participating units.