Bibliography Detail

Title : Cleaner Production Strategy for Improving Environmental Performance of Small Scale Cracker Industry
Subject : Cleaner Production
Volume No : 3
Issue No :
Author Name : Nafis Khuriyati
Year : 2015
Pages : 102-107
Editor : Elsevier
Description :

Cracker industry is one of thriving small-medium food industries in Yogyakarta Special Province. The cracker processing plant produces wastewater that potentially contaminates the environment. Wastewater coming from the washing of production equipments has the BOD and COD concentration that exceed the treshold of quality standard due to it containing high organic matter. This paper proposes a cleaner production strategy with environmental, economic and technical benefits for small scale cracker industry. Implementation of good housekeeping by improving the worker thoroughness in the production process and cleaning the scrap on the production equipment before washing improves the environmental performance in terms of biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) by 76.67% and 84%, respectively.